Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Weekend Fiasco!!!

Friday, February 27 @ 9:15pm
We dropped Katya off at her school with her classmates to leave for her week-long ski trip to Switzerland. At 10:00pm we were waving to the bus as it pulled out of the school parking lot heading to the Abu Dhabi airport. Once at home I fretted as I do, totally nervous hoping everything is going okay. We finally get to sleep at half past midnight, I left my phone downstairs.

Saturday, February 28 @ 1:03am
My phone rang, but I didn't hear it. 1:05am Ashi's phone rings. It is Mrs. Stedman telling us that Katya has arrived at the airport with Sabeenas passport. Plane leaves in one hour and 5 minutes. Ashi jumps outta bed, grabs passport and heads to Abu Dhabi. I am at home trying to locate directions to the airport. The airport website-No Map!! 3 other websites-Map, but NO Directions!!, Google Maps-No Directions available. So I tell Ashi it says it is between Hwy 11 and Hwy 10 and both of them run alongside the airport, but there is no exit mentioned hopefully there will be signs. (This is not always the case here in Dubai) I call the airport, the lady tells me, "look for the Amiri Flight sign." I relay this message to Ashi. 2:10 am passes. My little girl is now all alone at the airport with a stranger (Night shift Mgr.) I am a mess, really upset and crying. (Katya-being her very stoic self was obviously a lot better at handling the situation :) Ashi arrives at the airport at 2:25am. He tries to work out with the airlines how to get her to her classmates. The next flight where she can use her ticket in on Wednesday, March 3. The trip will be practically over. Katya calls me and tells me what is going on and that her Daddy is fixing things so she can get there soon. (She knew he would fix it and make everything okay, she didn't have any doubts so she didn't stress about it at all) There is a flight on Sunday am at 5:00am, Ashi books it and tells Katya they will continue to look for a better option. They head home.

Saturday, February 28th shortly after 5:30am
Ashi calls and says they are almost home. I am still on the computer looking for flights. When they get home I am so happy to see how well Katya is handling everything. Don't get me wrong, she was upset about the delay in her trip and missing out on being with her friends, but she was very mature in accepting that mishaps happen and that there is no point in "crying over spilled milk." We went to bed, EXHAUSTED!!!

Saturday, February 28th 8:30 am
Time to get up and get ready for the Fujairah Trip with the Church YW group. (I am over the 14-16 yr olds) I start getting the girls packed, then I decide to look and see if there are any flights earlier then the one Ashi booked again. I refresh the page I had been reviewing the night before and there are 3 flights that weren't there before. All 3 are with the airlines that Katya was suppose to fly with the night before. I start calling. One of them leaves at 1:30, I look at the clock it is 9:50 Ashi and her would have to leave soon. She would arrive at 10:50 that night. Ashi checks with Mrs. Stedman, the bus can't collect her at that time. Look at t he price again and it is more than the one Ashi has already booked. I call the airlines directly to see if her ticket can be transferred. The agent tells me he has another flight as well, but that I have to call another number to see about transferring her ticket. Ashi gets on the other phone, No answer, 3 attempts, No answer. 10:30, I am suppose to be picking up Amani and her friends from one of her friend's house. Mobile starts ringing, it is Amani!! Airline agent on phone still punching in numbers, Ashi still getting no answer. I hand airline agent over to Ashi, call Amani back and tell her I will be there shortly. The airline agent tells ashi it would be better to go to a Travel agent to see all his options.

Saturday, February 28th 10:45 am
Sabeena & I head to pick up the YW for Fujairah, Ashi and Katya head to the travel agent. They aren't going to make the 1:30 flight now but there is another at 5:55pm they may make. I am very sleep deprived at this point, Sabeena is thrilled to be getting to go out with the YW. Amani wants to drive with the older girls in a car with a CD player :P, (understandable I guess, since I don't even have any music tapes to put in our historic tape deck). We drive in a caravan of 4 cars to Fujairah. We get a little turned around. Finally arrive at 12:30 pm at the Winn's House. Brother Winn has arranged for the youth to go out in boats, however 1 has a hole so there will only be one boat instead of two so we will have to go in shifts. Ashi calls, they have finished at the agency and have confirmed the flight they had booked the previous night, but there is one leaving from Dubai so they will take that one. They were able to confirm Katya's return flight with her classmates. However, Ashi will be stranded in Switzerland for 3 days. Him and Katya go to lunch, me and my group head out to the water. My group is suppose to be heading back home around 3:00. It is 5:00 when we load the kids into the car. We are waiting. None of the boys are in the car, why? Well one of the car's window broke and it is now being repaired.

Saturday, February 28th 6:00 pm
We are on the road, heading for home. We get to the meeting point just before 7:30. Unload the YW and reload my 2 girls and head for home. Ashi and Katya had picked up dinner, it is a bit cold since they were expecting us around 5:00. I reheat the food and we eat. We have family prayer and Sabeena goes up to bed. Katya and Ashi make final preperations for their departure to the airport at 2:00am. I head to the computer to do my homework, which needs to be done before my 6:00am meeting with my classmates.

Saturday, February 28th 10:00 pm
I finish my homework, hand it to Ashi to proofread and braid Katya's hair for the plane ride and Amani's for bed. I am falling asleep as I sit there. Amani is off to bed, I want to spend a little more time with Katya before she leaves and her and Ashi have decided they will stay awake until they have to leave at 2:00. I fall asleep with Katya sitting next to me.

Sunday, March 1st 1:20 am

Ashi wakes me telling me it is time to get ready for them to go. Katya is asleep on the other couch. My blood sugar is high. Couldn't be due to the stress now, could it??? Ashi decides to just take the car and leave it in Long-term parking, this way he will have it when he returns too. I say goodbye to Katya has she heads off to Switzerland for the 2nd attempt, and to Ashi as he will be going as well now.

Sunday, March 1st 5:26 am
They are on the plane and ready to go.

Sunday, March 1st 5:55 am
I have already hit snooze twice, I have to get up now, my computer is downstairs and my class meeting starts in 5 min. I wake up Amani and Sabeena. I head down and log in for my class session.

Sunday, March 1st 6:52 am

Katya and Ashi have landed in Doha. The other girls are getting ready for school. I forget, am I suppose to drive today since Paul is gone? I send a message to Allie. Nope, she is driving. I can breathe a moment. I make Sabeena's lunch and then they are off. Sabeena forgot her clarinet and runs back in. (Ashi is much better at making sure they have all their stuff)

Sunday, March 1st 7:30 am
I head in to work early to make up time that I will be using to do the additional car runs in Ashi's absence. Katya calls me to let me know they are on the plane.

Sunday, March 1st 8:36 am
They are ready for take-off

Well that was my weekend!! How was yours????


Anonymous said...

"parenthood is priceless" ... other than I am speechless and in awe

Rachel and Jordan said...

You are the woman I aspire to be. I would have said, "I guess there is always next year.!"

Rachel and Jordan said...

You are the woman I apsire to be. I would have said, "I guess there is always next year!"

Rachel and Jordan said...

You have the patience of Job. I would have given up!

SindiRoo said...

Amish-It truly is!!

Rachel-After watching Garrett prepare for 3 mos. and then it being a mishap on your part, I am sure you would have done everything possible to make it happen also. :D

Anonymous said...

I think I finally took a breath! Wow!!!! What an experience. I'm impressed with Ashi's devotion and your patience! Your girls learned a lot about team work that weekend!